Around the nation on the evening of November 2, 1010, there was much for conservatives to celebrate. Rand Paul & Marco Rubio especially repudiated the "old guard" GOP establishment while at the same time sticking it to the Democrats.
In Pennsylvania though, we were dealt only half a hand... we did stick it to the Democrats, but at the cost of political power staying in the hands of our "old guard" GOP without so much as a whimper out of Pennsylvania tea partiers... in fact, some tea parties in PA gleefully jumped aboard the PAGOP love boat to support candidates they professed to detest just a few months earlier. All in the interest of "going along to get along" and the "lesser of two evils."
Ronald Reagan made it very clear during the years he was losing elections within the Republican party that sometimes we must be willing to lose in order to grow the movement. In 1980, after losing more than once inside the GOP, the American people elected Ronald Reagan president in a landslide.
To achieve tea party conservative power in the PAGOP over the next four to eight years is going to be an uphill battle, even in the face of the positive effect the conservative tea party movement has had on elections elsewhere in our country this year. Why embrace conservatisim when the PAGOP can win elections with machine-backed RINOs?
So... HOORAY on one side of the great wins achieved by Republicans this year and disappointment on the other side.
Guess that's called a bittersweet victory.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Sam Rohrer PA Governor?
Many Conservatives in Pennsylvania are going to write in "None of the Above" when voting for PA state and federal candidates on November 2, 2010. It is our way of sending a message to the Pennsylvania Republican party that we have had it with the PAGOP and the local Republican Committees shutting out qualified candidates in the primaries and then telling us who we have to vote for in the general election.
In the race for Pennsylvania governor, an alternative has been brought to attention: It will send the same message to the Republican party as voting "None of the Above," and if enough of us get behind it, Pennsylvania will proudly stand up with Alaska, Nevada, Utah, Kentucky, Florida, Delaware and New York in saying to the Republican party that we are mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore... even if it means losing.
In Pennsylvania there has been little discernable difference between the Tom Ridge Republican administration of eight years ago and the Democrat Ed Rendell's current administration, especially when you consider that each increased spending by 42%. Now, many of us are going broke because of it.
If the GOP loses PA state races this time around, so be it. We have the same people who have been screwing up things for more than a decade -- and rightfully losing elections for the last eight years -- who are now telling us they are the ones who we can trust to fix everything. Come on! Who's zoomin' who here?
By sending the PAGOP a strong message on November 2nd that we have had it, next time around, a better class of losers will be able to step up and actually start winning.
In other races, "None of the Above" is still a good bet as a write in for other state races, including some congressional races.
In the race for Pennsylvania governor, an alternative has been brought to attention: It will send the same message to the Republican party as voting "None of the Above," and if enough of us get behind it, Pennsylvania will proudly stand up with Alaska, Nevada, Utah, Kentucky, Florida, Delaware and New York in saying to the Republican party that we are mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore... even if it means losing.
In Pennsylvania there has been little discernable difference between the Tom Ridge Republican administration of eight years ago and the Democrat Ed Rendell's current administration, especially when you consider that each increased spending by 42%. Now, many of us are going broke because of it.
If the GOP loses PA state races this time around, so be it. We have the same people who have been screwing up things for more than a decade -- and rightfully losing elections for the last eight years -- who are now telling us they are the ones who we can trust to fix everything. Come on! Who's zoomin' who here?
By sending the PAGOP a strong message on November 2nd that we have had it, next time around, a better class of losers will be able to step up and actually start winning.
In other races, "None of the Above" is still a good bet as a write in for other state races, including some congressional races.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Your Tea Party & Pocono Rising
Think about what just happened in the primaries last week, and how two Tea Party wins have just completely shaken up the "old guard" GOP establishment: Carl Paladino in New York and Christine O'Donnell in Delaware. Wow! Wouldn't it have made you feel proud if we had done the same thing here in Pennsylvania?
Our tea party in Monroe County began with such promise. We were going to take back our country, reclaim control of our government and demand that our political parties and elected representatives pay attention to us "or else!"
Today, that "or else" has turned into a whimper. In Monroe County, Pennsylvania, the local tea party is marching in lock step with the local GOP, which includes promoting GOP press releases verbatim and blind, unquestioned support of GOP candidates. The local tea party is promoting "if it is Republican, it has to be good."
If this is not what you have signed up for, if you would like to take a stronger stance in determining the direction of the GOP while at the same time maintaining membership in a more traditional Republican oriented tea party (which is what we are advocating,) may we suggest Log in and decide for yourself. After all, that is what we are all about... self determination.
Think of YOUR Pocono Rising as U.S. Army Rangers working proactively within the confines of the traditional military to achieve a common goal.
And think about this, also: In August, after ripping into Senator Jim Demint, former senate majority leader and Senator Trent Lott proclaimed that "When those Tea Party candidates get to Washington, we are going to co-opt them." We say, NO WAY!
How about you? We'll see you at the Founders TEA Party Patriots meeting next Monday evening at 7PM at the Hughes Library in Stroudsburg.
Ethan Koelsch, Luis Bermudez & Mike Avery
Pocono Rising - A Proactive Tea Party Club
You may E-mail:
Our tea party in Monroe County began with such promise. We were going to take back our country, reclaim control of our government and demand that our political parties and elected representatives pay attention to us "or else!"
Today, that "or else" has turned into a whimper. In Monroe County, Pennsylvania, the local tea party is marching in lock step with the local GOP, which includes promoting GOP press releases verbatim and blind, unquestioned support of GOP candidates. The local tea party is promoting "if it is Republican, it has to be good."
If this is not what you have signed up for, if you would like to take a stronger stance in determining the direction of the GOP while at the same time maintaining membership in a more traditional Republican oriented tea party (which is what we are advocating,) may we suggest Log in and decide for yourself. After all, that is what we are all about... self determination.
Think of YOUR Pocono Rising as U.S. Army Rangers working proactively within the confines of the traditional military to achieve a common goal.
And think about this, also: In August, after ripping into Senator Jim Demint, former senate majority leader and Senator Trent Lott proclaimed that "When those Tea Party candidates get to Washington, we are going to co-opt them." We say, NO WAY!
How about you? We'll see you at the Founders TEA Party Patriots meeting next Monday evening at 7PM at the Hughes Library in Stroudsburg.
Ethan Koelsch, Luis Bermudez & Mike Avery
Pocono Rising - A Proactive Tea Party Club
You may E-mail:
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tea Party vs. Pennsylvania GOP
There seems to be a tremendous amount of resistance to the tea party movement by the GOP in Pennsylvania, unless of course, the tea party is willing to be co-opted.
For example, our tea party here in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, has proudly announced via one of its "board members" that it is working closely with the Monroe County Republican Committee to elect Republicans in November. Isn't that the opposite of why the tea party was formed in the first place?
There is a big difference between a tea party endorsing a candidate or candidates considered compatible with the tea party movement and a tea party working closely with any political party to help them elect their candidates on their terms.
There is no reason why anyone in the tea party movement cannot vote for whomever they choose and there is no one in the tea party movement who would argue otherwise. However, when a tea party aligns itself with a political party, and therefore commits its members to that decision... BY DICTATE, it doesn't seem to pass the sniff test... what say you?
For example, our tea party here in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, has proudly announced via one of its "board members" that it is working closely with the Monroe County Republican Committee to elect Republicans in November. Isn't that the opposite of why the tea party was formed in the first place?
There is a big difference between a tea party endorsing a candidate or candidates considered compatible with the tea party movement and a tea party working closely with any political party to help them elect their candidates on their terms.
There is no reason why anyone in the tea party movement cannot vote for whomever they choose and there is no one in the tea party movement who would argue otherwise. However, when a tea party aligns itself with a political party, and therefore commits its members to that decision... BY DICTATE, it doesn't seem to pass the sniff test... what say you?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Continental Congress v. Tea Party
Just for the sake of conversation, let's suppose that the Continental Congress decided to assign teams of rebels into study groups to contemplate the Magna Carta and Greek philosophy instead of forming militia to take up arms against the oppressive English. If that had happened, whose flag do you think we would be saluting today?
Now, to further the conversation, here in Pennsylvania the Tea Party movement has decided to remain non-committed as far as endorsing candidates during the just concluded primary process. The primaries are the most important ideological responsibilty of supporters and voters in the Conservative political arena. It's where we win or lose.
On May 18th, we lost.
Now, more than ever, it is time for us to unite and to form an alliance of committed Conservatives who will bring their like-minded groups together to work to achieve our goals of re-claiming control of our government while taking pro-active roles in deciding who we can trust to represent us in office once elected.
Are we together? Are we united? Are we an alliance? Please answer yes.
Now, to further the conversation, here in Pennsylvania the Tea Party movement has decided to remain non-committed as far as endorsing candidates during the just concluded primary process. The primaries are the most important ideological responsibilty of supporters and voters in the Conservative political arena. It's where we win or lose.
On May 18th, we lost.
Now, more than ever, it is time for us to unite and to form an alliance of committed Conservatives who will bring their like-minded groups together to work to achieve our goals of re-claiming control of our government while taking pro-active roles in deciding who we can trust to represent us in office once elected.
Are we together? Are we united? Are we an alliance? Please answer yes.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Memorial Day 2010
Never in the history of our great country have so few screwed up so much in such a short time. But, even with the disasters the Obama government has brought to us, nothing this Memorial Day will stop the rest of us from honoring all of the heroes who have served to protect our freedom and our Constitution. God Bless them.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Lesson Learned
Lesson learned from Pennsylvania May 18th primary:
In states where Tea Parties stood up to be counted, showed their mettle, were aggressive in their beliefs and did not wimp out, they helped to win elections. In Kentucky (Taking on the "old guard" GOP & Mitch McConnell,) Utah (Utah Rising took control of Utah GOP in less than a year,) and in Massachusetts.
In Pennsylvania, where Tea Parties for the most part hid behind being independent, non-partisan, academic and generally wimpish, we lost... badly. It was an overwhelming win for the "old guard" machine politicians, those who we profess to oppose and depose.
There was a 23% turnout for the PA primary on Tuesday, May 18, 2010. Dismal. The Pennsylvania Tea Parties were invisible. In fact, the support for Tim Burns in the special election in PA Congressional District 12 came from groups from out of state.
Politics is not an intellectual exercise, it is trench warfare in a civilized manner. If you are not inclined to stand up and be counted, please sit down and get out of the way of those who are.
In states where Tea Parties stood up to be counted, showed their mettle, were aggressive in their beliefs and did not wimp out, they helped to win elections. In Kentucky (Taking on the "old guard" GOP & Mitch McConnell,) Utah (Utah Rising took control of Utah GOP in less than a year,) and in Massachusetts.
In Pennsylvania, where Tea Parties for the most part hid behind being independent, non-partisan, academic and generally wimpish, we lost... badly. It was an overwhelming win for the "old guard" machine politicians, those who we profess to oppose and depose.
There was a 23% turnout for the PA primary on Tuesday, May 18, 2010. Dismal. The Pennsylvania Tea Parties were invisible. In fact, the support for Tim Burns in the special election in PA Congressional District 12 came from groups from out of state.
Politics is not an intellectual exercise, it is trench warfare in a civilized manner. If you are not inclined to stand up and be counted, please sit down and get out of the way of those who are.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Lesson From Indiana
The "old guard" GOP is trumpeting its win in Indiana in the primary. Hopefully, we will learn some lessons here, and from the results in Florida.
1. We must generate universal excitement for the principles motivating the Tea Party movement.
2. The insistence on being non-partisan and non-endorsing leaves many non-Tea Party voters (and Tea Party supporters, too) wondering why we exist if we can't take a stand, and opens the door for the "old guard" to take control. If nothing else, the "old guard" are good politicians and good at co-opting under the guise of who has the best chance of winning, and who is "not as bad" as the other guy. We must stop wagging our tails when an "old guard" politician finally reaches down and pats us on the head; instead, we must keep our teeth bared. If we start thinking like a pretty, 25 year-old woman who knows a line when she hears one, we'll be in good shape.
3. The academic approach being encouraged by some Tea Party branches is boring. Leave that to the League of Women Voters and the 912ers, they are good at it and God bless 'em for it. The Tea Party was born to be a POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, not educators.
4. Individual tangents promoted through Tea Party communications enhance the "kook" label to our movement. Our goal is to elect Conservative candidates to represent us in government.
Please think about this. When a Tea Party group decides not to become a PAC, it remains powerless, which is exactly what the "old guard" GOP and the Democrats want: We remain nothing more than an audience and a tool for others rather than a driving force.
Also, we must watch out for infiltrators by paying attention to the affiliations and associates of newcomers. Because we are beginning to gain political power, it pays to be a little paranoid.
Unless, of course, the parnoids are after you. Come on, smile with me. Together we can do amazing things.
1. We must generate universal excitement for the principles motivating the Tea Party movement.
2. The insistence on being non-partisan and non-endorsing leaves many non-Tea Party voters (and Tea Party supporters, too) wondering why we exist if we can't take a stand, and opens the door for the "old guard" to take control. If nothing else, the "old guard" are good politicians and good at co-opting under the guise of who has the best chance of winning, and who is "not as bad" as the other guy. We must stop wagging our tails when an "old guard" politician finally reaches down and pats us on the head; instead, we must keep our teeth bared. If we start thinking like a pretty, 25 year-old woman who knows a line when she hears one, we'll be in good shape.
3. The academic approach being encouraged by some Tea Party branches is boring. Leave that to the League of Women Voters and the 912ers, they are good at it and God bless 'em for it. The Tea Party was born to be a POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, not educators.
4. Individual tangents promoted through Tea Party communications enhance the "kook" label to our movement. Our goal is to elect Conservative candidates to represent us in government.
Please think about this. When a Tea Party group decides not to become a PAC, it remains powerless, which is exactly what the "old guard" GOP and the Democrats want: We remain nothing more than an audience and a tool for others rather than a driving force.
Also, we must watch out for infiltrators by paying attention to the affiliations and associates of newcomers. Because we are beginning to gain political power, it pays to be a little paranoid.
Unless, of course, the parnoids are after you. Come on, smile with me. Together we can do amazing things.
Friday, April 16, 2010
D.C. April 15, 2010

Energy, enthusiasm and determination filled the streets of Washington, D.C. on April 15, 2010 as thousands of Tea Partiers from around the country gathered to voice their opposition to the Obama government, and to what Teaple believe is the current government's agenda of ending personal liberty as it races full-throttle to socialize the United States.
At Freedom Plaza, On Line Tax Revolt hosted an event highlighted by an appearance by Michelle Bachmann, the feisty Conservative lawmaker from Minnesota. As usual, she wowed the crowd of several thousand with her speech, calling on Tea Partiers to rally behind "constitutional conservatives" in opposition to Democrats and saying about the Obama government, "We're on to this gangster government, I say it's time for these little piggies to go home."
One of the highlights of the day was the small Tea Party group from Midland, Tennessee. They sponsored a "political karaoke" inviting those in the audience up to the make-shift stage to make their own statements during a two-hour "open mike" that started at 4PM... on the West Lawn of the Capitol! The impromptu orators were evenly divided between young and older, with at least half being college-age or younger, a great sign that the Tea Party movement is gaining more universal appeal.
Then came the nighttime at the Washington Monument. Senator Jim DeMint, Marcia Blackburn, Hi-Caliber, SNL alumni Victoria Jackson and "The Streak" Ray Stevens ignited the crowd. Jackson played her "uke" and got the audience going as they chanted together, "There's a communist in the White House."
Hi-Caliber, our country's only Conservative Hip Hop artist drew cheers as he proved to the crowd that Rap and Conservative politics DO mix.
Ray Stevens gave the crowd five songs just for starters, including a stirring rendition of the "Star Spangled Banner" that had many in the crowd wiping away tears of pride and of joy. He promised more later, and he delivered.
17 of your proud Founders TEA Party Patriots from Monroe County, Pennsylvania were there, and you were well represented.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Attention "old guard" GOP
Here's a question for all of you "old guard" Republicans in the GOP, especially those of you in the PAGOP, just for the sake of conversation: when Arlen Specter was a Republican, you supported him. Now that he is a Democrat, you oppose him. Why? He is the same Arlen Specter today as he was two years ago and six years ago, is he not? And what does that say about you? Hmmm, that's three questions, isn't it? Whoops, four questions!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Great Debate
The March 28, 2010 debate on Fox News Sunday between Florida U.S. Senate candidates Charlie Crist and Marco Rubio was a microcosm of today's GOP. The "old guard" vs. the new.
Charlie Crist was accurately quoted as saying the two men he admired most are John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Wouldn't it be nice if the three of them could jump on the last train for the coast, join up there with Carly Fiorina and then, just like in an old Hollywood western, the four ride off together into the sunset never to be heard from again. Hey. Nice!
In contrast, Marco Rubio spoke as a Conservative to Conservatives, stuck to the issues without dishing dirt, and in general was a proponent of limited government, reduced spending, lower taxes and healthcare untouched by those in Washington who would force government controlled Obamacare on an unwilling American people.
Who endorses Charlie Crist? John McCain, Mitch McConnell and Lamar Alexander.
So, here's a suggestion to the "old guard" in the GOP: cede the Republican party to the new guys on the block, to the Marco Rubios and to those like Chuck DeVore in California, to Sam Rohrer and Steve Johnson in Pennsylvania, to the Tea Partiers, and to you who are reading this and to me.
Wishful thinking? Not if we work together to make it happen
Charlie Crist was accurately quoted as saying the two men he admired most are John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Wouldn't it be nice if the three of them could jump on the last train for the coast, join up there with Carly Fiorina and then, just like in an old Hollywood western, the four ride off together into the sunset never to be heard from again. Hey. Nice!
In contrast, Marco Rubio spoke as a Conservative to Conservatives, stuck to the issues without dishing dirt, and in general was a proponent of limited government, reduced spending, lower taxes and healthcare untouched by those in Washington who would force government controlled Obamacare on an unwilling American people.
Who endorses Charlie Crist? John McCain, Mitch McConnell and Lamar Alexander.
So, here's a suggestion to the "old guard" in the GOP: cede the Republican party to the new guys on the block, to the Marco Rubios and to those like Chuck DeVore in California, to Sam Rohrer and Steve Johnson in Pennsylvania, to the Tea Partiers, and to you who are reading this and to me.
Wishful thinking? Not if we work together to make it happen
Friday, March 26, 2010
Who to Support?
Are we going to be co-opted, or what?
In the race for governor in Pennsylvania, there is one Conservative candidate and one "old guard" GOP candidate wanting to run against the Democrat candidate. In the 11th congressional race, there is only one GOP candidate seeking the nomination to oppose the Obama/Rendell tax & spend liberal Democrat. The GOP candidate is not a true Conservative, he is more of an "old guard" Republican.
The official position of the Tea Party movement and the 9/12ers is to support only Conservative candidates no matter which political party they belong to, and if there is no Conservative candidate running, to either run a candidate of their own or just sit out the election.
The following paragraph is not directed at anyone or any group in particular. However, I do read all E-mails, notices and other posts, and I would ask you to think about this: to be co-opted means to abandon your principles in order to be accepted by another on their terms.
Too many of us seem to be reverting to the old Republican ways that got us to where we are today: nominating a candidate we think has the best chance of winning, and/or the lesser of two evils.
Please remember this, the Tea Party and the 9/12 movement stands on this: it is not up to us to be accepted by the GOP, it is up to the GOP to be accepted by us.
Recently, CBS released a poll that showed 36% of Republicans consider themselves to be part of the Tea Party movement. Other respected polls put the number of Tea Partiers who are Republican at 72%.
Please don't let the glamour of an "old guard" GOP candidate paying some attention to you compromise your principles. You are more important to the GOP than the GOP is to you. Believe it!
In the race for governor in Pennsylvania, there is one Conservative candidate and one "old guard" GOP candidate wanting to run against the Democrat candidate. In the 11th congressional race, there is only one GOP candidate seeking the nomination to oppose the Obama/Rendell tax & spend liberal Democrat. The GOP candidate is not a true Conservative, he is more of an "old guard" Republican.
The official position of the Tea Party movement and the 9/12ers is to support only Conservative candidates no matter which political party they belong to, and if there is no Conservative candidate running, to either run a candidate of their own or just sit out the election.
The following paragraph is not directed at anyone or any group in particular. However, I do read all E-mails, notices and other posts, and I would ask you to think about this: to be co-opted means to abandon your principles in order to be accepted by another on their terms.
Too many of us seem to be reverting to the old Republican ways that got us to where we are today: nominating a candidate we think has the best chance of winning, and/or the lesser of two evils.
Please remember this, the Tea Party and the 9/12 movement stands on this: it is not up to us to be accepted by the GOP, it is up to the GOP to be accepted by us.
Recently, CBS released a poll that showed 36% of Republicans consider themselves to be part of the Tea Party movement. Other respected polls put the number of Tea Partiers who are Republican at 72%.
Please don't let the glamour of an "old guard" GOP candidate paying some attention to you compromise your principles. You are more important to the GOP than the GOP is to you. Believe it!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Bye, Bye John McCain?
Last night, I had the opportunity to participate in a conference call with J.D. Hayworth, who is running against John McCain for the Republican senate nomination in Arizona.
Since announcing his run for the senate several days ago, Hayworth has been endorsed by Arizona's Sheriff Joe, by Chris Simcox, who dropped out of the senate race to support Hayworth, and by Mark Levin.
In the preliminary discussion before Hayworth joined the meeting:
GOP must be rebuilt from the inside out.
Third party threat will help force GOP to give Tea Partiers a decision-making seat at the table.
Republican Tea Partiers in general say they have been betrayed by elected Republicans.
Tea Party role in Scott Brown victory in Massachusetts.
Questions to ask Hayworth:
Are you a Birther?
How are you going to handle illegal immigration vs. McCain's amnesty?
Has McCain supported you during your career in the House of Representatives?
After his opening "stump" speech to us, Hayworth talked and sounded like a regular guy as he exchanged ideas with us.
On being a Birther: NO.
On illegal immigration: He is going to continue to oppose amnesty and encourage beefed-up border security and the FENCE.
On McCain's support of him during his congressional years: Early on, yes. Then in 1998 McCain started moving to the left, and since then McCain's support of him has been minimal. In 2006, when Hayworth lost his house seat, McCain barely spoke up in his support.
Hayworth is strong on reducing size and scope of government, reducing taxes, Constitutional integrity, and in making sure that he is accessible to the people.
My vote: Yes to endorse Hayworth in his bid to win the Arizona nomination for the U.S. Senate.
Mike Avery
Since announcing his run for the senate several days ago, Hayworth has been endorsed by Arizona's Sheriff Joe, by Chris Simcox, who dropped out of the senate race to support Hayworth, and by Mark Levin.
In the preliminary discussion before Hayworth joined the meeting:
GOP must be rebuilt from the inside out.
Third party threat will help force GOP to give Tea Partiers a decision-making seat at the table.
Republican Tea Partiers in general say they have been betrayed by elected Republicans.
Tea Party role in Scott Brown victory in Massachusetts.
Questions to ask Hayworth:
Are you a Birther?
How are you going to handle illegal immigration vs. McCain's amnesty?
Has McCain supported you during your career in the House of Representatives?
After his opening "stump" speech to us, Hayworth talked and sounded like a regular guy as he exchanged ideas with us.
On being a Birther: NO.
On illegal immigration: He is going to continue to oppose amnesty and encourage beefed-up border security and the FENCE.
On McCain's support of him during his congressional years: Early on, yes. Then in 1998 McCain started moving to the left, and since then McCain's support of him has been minimal. In 2006, when Hayworth lost his house seat, McCain barely spoke up in his support.
Hayworth is strong on reducing size and scope of government, reducing taxes, Constitutional integrity, and in making sure that he is accessible to the people.
My vote: Yes to endorse Hayworth in his bid to win the Arizona nomination for the U.S. Senate.
Mike Avery
Sunday, February 14, 2010
PAGOP Now & Then
After attending the PAGOP Lincoln Day dinner in Harrisburg on February 12, 2010, the following day I FB messaged someone and asked: "Did you learn what I learned last night about the PAGOP?" The answer was, "I don't know Mike, what did you learn?" Here's my answer to that question:
That the PAGOP is in tune with itself, but not necessarily with the people of Pennsylvania. That the decisions had already been made about the candidates who would get the endorsements of the state committee weeks before the candidates went through the motions last night. That Tom Corbett wins the title of Mr. Warmth. Did you know that no Attorney General has ever won the governorship in Pennsylvania? Tom's demeanor gave us a reason why last night. That Sam Rohrer wins the title of Mr. Sincere. That there really does need to be a revolution in the Republican party so that it begins to represent those who it expects to vote for their candidates. That the room was filled with armed camps that just couldn't bear to applaude for someone who was running against their candidate. That unity in the PAGOP is a long way off. That the PAGOP is being dominated by those who have managed to take our party from control of both U.S. Senate seats, control of the governorship, the Lt. governorship, both state houses and decent representation in the U.S. House of Representatives to what we have today... barely holding onto the state senate, all in the 18 years that Barb and I have lived in Pennsylvania.
Oh, and that the GOP needs more candidates like you... so, are you going to take on Bob Casey for the people's seat in Pennsylvania? You see, I always end on a positive note that is hard to argue with.
Does that answer your question?
That the PAGOP is in tune with itself, but not necessarily with the people of Pennsylvania. That the decisions had already been made about the candidates who would get the endorsements of the state committee weeks before the candidates went through the motions last night. That Tom Corbett wins the title of Mr. Warmth. Did you know that no Attorney General has ever won the governorship in Pennsylvania? Tom's demeanor gave us a reason why last night. That Sam Rohrer wins the title of Mr. Sincere. That there really does need to be a revolution in the Republican party so that it begins to represent those who it expects to vote for their candidates. That the room was filled with armed camps that just couldn't bear to applaude for someone who was running against their candidate. That unity in the PAGOP is a long way off. That the PAGOP is being dominated by those who have managed to take our party from control of both U.S. Senate seats, control of the governorship, the Lt. governorship, both state houses and decent representation in the U.S. House of Representatives to what we have today... barely holding onto the state senate, all in the 18 years that Barb and I have lived in Pennsylvania.
Oh, and that the GOP needs more candidates like you... so, are you going to take on Bob Casey for the people's seat in Pennsylvania? You see, I always end on a positive note that is hard to argue with.
Does that answer your question?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Third Party or No Third Party?
The primaries in Pennsylvania this May are going to be one of the most important steps we take to reclaim our government and to participate in the direction of the PAGOP.
Democrats are going to continue to be Democrats no matter what we do, so we must control our destiny by making sure that Republican nominees are the choice of the people, not the PAGOP.
The alternative is third party, which is a poor alternative. But it is an alternative that will happen if the Republican party continues to keep its doors closed to new people with new ideas, fresh energy and youthful enthusiasm.
Mr. Republican, tear down those doors!
This post is just my opinion... like a particular body part, everybody has one.
Democrats are going to continue to be Democrats no matter what we do, so we must control our destiny by making sure that Republican nominees are the choice of the people, not the PAGOP.
The alternative is third party, which is a poor alternative. But it is an alternative that will happen if the Republican party continues to keep its doors closed to new people with new ideas, fresh energy and youthful enthusiasm.
Mr. Republican, tear down those doors!
This post is just my opinion... like a particular body part, everybody has one.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
You & the PAGOP
Here is a message sent directly to the PAGOP state committee as the result of a request from one of its members. These are suggestions that hopefully will play a part in bringing the Pennsylvania GOP back to its roots as a party working for the benefit of the people and not just for themselves. At the end of Part I, and again at the end of Part II, there is an E-mail address where you can send your own suggestions. Hopefully, you will.
We are facing the most important elections for us in many years.
Problem: The mood of the country. Political machines are being rejected by all Americans, and in the GOP, the "old guard" is looked upon as being the reason why the Republican party is at a low point in the opinion of... get this... Republicans. See Rasmussen link below: 75% of Republicans say GOP is out of touch with... Republicans.
Biggest lesson from Massachusetts:
Scott Brown didn't win because of the Republican party. He won because he has a message easily understood by disgruntled Americans, but mostly because Tea Party oriented Republicans and Independents from throughout the country and in Massachusetts rallied to his support.
Solution: Bring "street-level" Republicans into the party as leaders of the party. To most Republicans, the GOP at the national, state and local levels is viewed as having a "Newcomers Not Wanted" sign above its doors.
In a Rasmussen poll conducted recently in Florida, if an election were held today, 36% of voters would vote for a Democrat, 23% for a Tea Party candidate, and 18% for a Republican. Other polls taken throughout the country since then show that in many areas, a Tea Party candidate will win over both the Democrat and the Republican candidate in a three way race.
On the PAGOP state committee endorsing candidates for nomination: It is suggested that the nomination process is better left to the voters and the candidates without interference from any GOP involvement, especially right now when the Republican party is held in such low esteem by the Republicans who actually do the voting in numbers large enough to nominate someone.
The Teaple have spoken. More later. Rasmussen link is below.
75% of Republicans say GOP is out of touch with... now get this... Republicans!
E-mail address for YOUR suggestions to the PAGOP:
On bringing the "Teaple" into the GOP. Suggestions:
The first step the GOP must take is to understand that the Tea Party movement is mostly made up of disgruntled Republicans and Independents.
The second step is to accept that there are more Rpublicans in the Tea Party movement who reject the GOP than there are "old guard" Republicans who go along with any candidate the GOP selects. And among all voters, there are more Teaple than Republicans, and the Teaple will not accept any "old guard" candidate from any party.
The third step is to accept that all of the above is true and is supported by virtually all of the major polling organizations.
And the fourth step is for the GOP to reach out to the "street level" Teaple for party leadership, direction and for candidates.
By implenenting all four of the above, the GOP will become representative of all of the American people, not just themselves. And wouldn't that be refreshing.
YOUR suggestions to:
We are facing the most important elections for us in many years.
Problem: The mood of the country. Political machines are being rejected by all Americans, and in the GOP, the "old guard" is looked upon as being the reason why the Republican party is at a low point in the opinion of... get this... Republicans. See Rasmussen link below: 75% of Republicans say GOP is out of touch with... Republicans.
Biggest lesson from Massachusetts:
Scott Brown didn't win because of the Republican party. He won because he has a message easily understood by disgruntled Americans, but mostly because Tea Party oriented Republicans and Independents from throughout the country and in Massachusetts rallied to his support.
Solution: Bring "street-level" Republicans into the party as leaders of the party. To most Republicans, the GOP at the national, state and local levels is viewed as having a "Newcomers Not Wanted" sign above its doors.
In a Rasmussen poll conducted recently in Florida, if an election were held today, 36% of voters would vote for a Democrat, 23% for a Tea Party candidate, and 18% for a Republican. Other polls taken throughout the country since then show that in many areas, a Tea Party candidate will win over both the Democrat and the Republican candidate in a three way race.
On the PAGOP state committee endorsing candidates for nomination: It is suggested that the nomination process is better left to the voters and the candidates without interference from any GOP involvement, especially right now when the Republican party is held in such low esteem by the Republicans who actually do the voting in numbers large enough to nominate someone.
The Teaple have spoken. More later. Rasmussen link is below.
75% of Republicans say GOP is out of touch with... now get this... Republicans!
E-mail address for YOUR suggestions to the PAGOP:
On bringing the "Teaple" into the GOP. Suggestions:
The first step the GOP must take is to understand that the Tea Party movement is mostly made up of disgruntled Republicans and Independents.
The second step is to accept that there are more Rpublicans in the Tea Party movement who reject the GOP than there are "old guard" Republicans who go along with any candidate the GOP selects. And among all voters, there are more Teaple than Republicans, and the Teaple will not accept any "old guard" candidate from any party.
The third step is to accept that all of the above is true and is supported by virtually all of the major polling organizations.
And the fourth step is for the GOP to reach out to the "street level" Teaple for party leadership, direction and for candidates.
By implenenting all four of the above, the GOP will become representative of all of the American people, not just themselves. And wouldn't that be refreshing.
YOUR suggestions to:
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Parable of the Pie
Okay, it really isn't a parable, but it sounds good, don't you think?
Why we must always say NO to liberal Democrats, and why we should be proud to be the PARTY OF NO.
Let's start with a nice apple pie, which represents your freedom.
Now, remember what you learned in geometry class in high school. If you walk half-way to a wall, and each time thereafter when you move, you walk half-way to a wall, you will never arrive at the wall. Eventually, the wall will be so close to you that the space between you and the wall will seem not to exist, and the space will be worthless to you.
Now, back to the pie. The Democrats ask for half the pie. Our RINOs say no, you can only have 1/4 of the pie... in other words, they compromise.
A little while later, the Democrats come back to our RINOs and ask for half of what is left of the pie. Again, our RINOs say no. You can only have 1/4 of the pie, the RINOs reach across the aisle and compromise. And again, the same scenario, and then again and again. Eventually, what is left of the pie will become so small as to be worthless. That, my friends, is called incrementalism.
And that is why we must always say NO to liberal Democrats.
Be proud to be part of the PARTY OF NO.
Why we must always say NO to liberal Democrats, and why we should be proud to be the PARTY OF NO.
Let's start with a nice apple pie, which represents your freedom.
Now, remember what you learned in geometry class in high school. If you walk half-way to a wall, and each time thereafter when you move, you walk half-way to a wall, you will never arrive at the wall. Eventually, the wall will be so close to you that the space between you and the wall will seem not to exist, and the space will be worthless to you.
Now, back to the pie. The Democrats ask for half the pie. Our RINOs say no, you can only have 1/4 of the pie... in other words, they compromise.
A little while later, the Democrats come back to our RINOs and ask for half of what is left of the pie. Again, our RINOs say no. You can only have 1/4 of the pie, the RINOs reach across the aisle and compromise. And again, the same scenario, and then again and again. Eventually, what is left of the pie will become so small as to be worthless. That, my friends, is called incrementalism.
And that is why we must always say NO to liberal Democrats.
Be proud to be part of the PARTY OF NO.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Conservatives vs. GOP
If you are a conservative, may it be suggested that you DO NOT work to be accepted by the Republican party, but rather work to take over the Republican party. And... if you happen to be a third-party advocate, may it be suggested that you also direct your efforts toward taking over the Republican party, because within the party you will find many who are just as angry with the "old guard" GOP as you are.
So, how can you have influence in this "take over" process? Again, a suggestion: E-mail, write, call your local & state GOP Committees and let them know that you WILL NOT vote for any GOP-endorsed candidate unless he/she has solid Conservative credentials, or is a candidate who has emerged from the Tea Party movement. Important: encourage your like-minded friends to do the same.
And please don't forget that old standby: write Letters to the Editor.
Finally, an opinion: Scott Brown's strong showing in Massachusetts is not because of the Republican party, but because Scott Brown is a Conservative and proud of it. There's a lesson to be learned here.
Together, we can make all this happen.
So, how can you have influence in this "take over" process? Again, a suggestion: E-mail, write, call your local & state GOP Committees and let them know that you WILL NOT vote for any GOP-endorsed candidate unless he/she has solid Conservative credentials, or is a candidate who has emerged from the Tea Party movement. Important: encourage your like-minded friends to do the same.
And please don't forget that old standby: write Letters to the Editor.
Finally, an opinion: Scott Brown's strong showing in Massachusetts is not because of the Republican party, but because Scott Brown is a Conservative and proud of it. There's a lesson to be learned here.
Together, we can make all this happen.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Out With the Old, In With the New?
Throughout the United States, millions of Americans are demanding that new faces with new ideas and new energy enter the political arena.
Chris Paige is running for the Republican nomination for congress in Pennsylvania's 11th Congressional District. Some have voiced concerns about voting for a Democrat turned Republican and have wondered if the conversion is real. Asked about it, Chris responded as follows. Judge for yourself-- Mike Avery.
Chris Paige's words:
To begin with, I always start with what I wrote on my website.
To until recently, I was a Democrat because I believe that government should protect the powerless from the powerful, but President Obama and (11th Congressional District) Congressman Kanjorski have transformed the Democratic Party into the powerful from whom we all need to be protected. In the words of Ronald Reagan, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party left me."
Weren't the Democrats supposed to be the party of science and reason? Yet, Congressional Democrats want to devastate our economy in order to combat an imaginary "global warming crisis."
Weren't Democrats supposed to protect our seniors? Yet, Congressional Democrats want to cut $500 billion from Medicare. I don't want to live in a country where some banks are too big to fail while some people are too frail to save.
Weren't Democrats elected to rejuvinate our economy after eight years of reckless government spending, catastrophic government deficits and inflationary monetary policy? Yet, Congressional Democrats' only response is even more government spending, even higher government deficits, and even more inflationary monetary policy. They even appointed President Bush's choice to lead the Federal Reserve! Hope and Change? We had better hope we change direction soon, or we'll need to hope someone spares us some change.
Quite frankly, you will find that I am true to my ideals, not my party. As your Congressman, I will represent your interests, and I will defend your values, even if that means I must defy my party. For years now, we have been ruled by politicians who were more loyal to their parties than their ideals; isn't it time we elect someone who is more loyal to his ideals? Anyone else remember those so-called "Republican" majorities that voted for record-high government spending and enormous budget deficits under President Bush? Anyone else remember when President Bush supported TARP and the auto bailouts?
Let me ask skeptical Republicans a philosophical question: who best represents the Republican Party's values? A candidate who supported TARP, big government and big spending while nominally calling himself or herself a Republican, or a candidate who opposed these policies even when they were advocated by so-called "Republicans?" Now,let me ask dubious Democrats another philosophical question: if a candidate wants to cut Medicare while bailing out banks, is he still a Democrat? When it comes to party identfication, we all need to ask ourselves this question: are we rooting for our team to win or are we fighting for our ideals to triumph?
Although I know people think I might betray them when I'm in DC, I think it's important to note that my opponent (in the primary) Mayor Lou Barletta has already betrayed our values:
He raised property taxes 70%.
He raised income taxes by 87.5%.
He believes that the government can close budget deficits through higher taxes
rather than spending cuts.
He raised Hazleton's budget deficit by 66%.
He believes in a "carbon constrained" future
He wants to "invest" taxpayer money in alternative energy.
He wants to require us to carry "identity papers" which we would have to
present for routine commercial transactions.
Big taxes, big spending, big deficits and big government: how is that different than Congressman Kanjorski?
Finally, I ask skeptics to read what I have written on my blog - do you think that I could have faked all of those detailed thoughts and arguments? If so, it's quite an elaborate plot.
I'd be happy to meet with anyone and/or to subject myself to any interview because, frankly, I enjoy speaking with people about my ideas - that's the best part of campaigning.
Cheers. Chris.
Chris Paige's website and blog can be viewed at
Chris Paige is running for the Republican nomination for congress in Pennsylvania's 11th Congressional District. Some have voiced concerns about voting for a Democrat turned Republican and have wondered if the conversion is real. Asked about it, Chris responded as follows. Judge for yourself-- Mike Avery.
Chris Paige's words:
To begin with, I always start with what I wrote on my website.
To until recently, I was a Democrat because I believe that government should protect the powerless from the powerful, but President Obama and (11th Congressional District) Congressman Kanjorski have transformed the Democratic Party into the powerful from whom we all need to be protected. In the words of Ronald Reagan, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party left me."
Weren't the Democrats supposed to be the party of science and reason? Yet, Congressional Democrats want to devastate our economy in order to combat an imaginary "global warming crisis."
Weren't Democrats supposed to protect our seniors? Yet, Congressional Democrats want to cut $500 billion from Medicare. I don't want to live in a country where some banks are too big to fail while some people are too frail to save.
Weren't Democrats elected to rejuvinate our economy after eight years of reckless government spending, catastrophic government deficits and inflationary monetary policy? Yet, Congressional Democrats' only response is even more government spending, even higher government deficits, and even more inflationary monetary policy. They even appointed President Bush's choice to lead the Federal Reserve! Hope and Change? We had better hope we change direction soon, or we'll need to hope someone spares us some change.
Quite frankly, you will find that I am true to my ideals, not my party. As your Congressman, I will represent your interests, and I will defend your values, even if that means I must defy my party. For years now, we have been ruled by politicians who were more loyal to their parties than their ideals; isn't it time we elect someone who is more loyal to his ideals? Anyone else remember those so-called "Republican" majorities that voted for record-high government spending and enormous budget deficits under President Bush? Anyone else remember when President Bush supported TARP and the auto bailouts?
Let me ask skeptical Republicans a philosophical question: who best represents the Republican Party's values? A candidate who supported TARP, big government and big spending while nominally calling himself or herself a Republican, or a candidate who opposed these policies even when they were advocated by so-called "Republicans?" Now,let me ask dubious Democrats another philosophical question: if a candidate wants to cut Medicare while bailing out banks, is he still a Democrat? When it comes to party identfication, we all need to ask ourselves this question: are we rooting for our team to win or are we fighting for our ideals to triumph?
Although I know people think I might betray them when I'm in DC, I think it's important to note that my opponent (in the primary) Mayor Lou Barletta has already betrayed our values:
He raised property taxes 70%.
He raised income taxes by 87.5%.
He believes that the government can close budget deficits through higher taxes
rather than spending cuts.
He raised Hazleton's budget deficit by 66%.
He believes in a "carbon constrained" future
He wants to "invest" taxpayer money in alternative energy.
He wants to require us to carry "identity papers" which we would have to
present for routine commercial transactions.
Big taxes, big spending, big deficits and big government: how is that different than Congressman Kanjorski?
Finally, I ask skeptics to read what I have written on my blog - do you think that I could have faked all of those detailed thoughts and arguments? If so, it's quite an elaborate plot.
I'd be happy to meet with anyone and/or to subject myself to any interview because, frankly, I enjoy speaking with people about my ideas - that's the best part of campaigning.
Cheers. Chris.
Chris Paige's website and blog can be viewed at
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