Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mr. Republican, Tear Down That Front Door

Along with all of us, the Republican party is about to enter a new decade.

For many of us, the GOP is like a 100 year-old house: The walls and foundation are fine, but the interior needs to be gutted and renovated to make it livable.

Without renovation that includes new people with new ideas, fresh energy and genuine enthusism, the Republican party will continue to be unlivable.

A third party is not the answer, but it's going to happen if the GOP continues to keep its front doors locked in order to hide its crumbling interior.

Mr. Republican, tear down that front door.

There are thousands of us, if not millions of us, who are ready, willing and able to renovate the GOP into once again becoming a winner for the American people.

Listen or lose, GOP.

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